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1from datetime import datetime 


3from actstream.managers import ActionManager, stream 

4from actstream.registry import check 

5from django.apps import apps 

6from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType 

7from django.db.models import Q 



10class DiscussDataActionManager(ActionManager): 

11 @stream 

12 def mystream(self, obj, verb="posted", time=None): 

13 if time is None: 

14 time = datetime.now() 

15 return obj.actor_actions.filter(verb=verb, timestamp__lte=time) 


17 @stream 

18 def dataset_access_requests_sent(self, sender, recipient=None): 

19 notification_content_type = ContentType.objects.get( 

20 app_label="ddcomments", model="notification" 

21 ) 

22 dataset_content_type = ContentType.objects.get( 

23 app_label="dddatasets", model="dataset" 

24 ) 

25 filters = {"action_object_content_type": notification_content_type.id} 

26 filters["target_content_type"] = dataset_content_type.id 

27 if recipient: # optional recipient 

28 filters["target"] = recipient 

29 # Actions where sender is the actor with extra filters applied 

30 return sender.actor_actions.filter(**filters) 


32 @stream 

33 def datasets_actions(self, datasets): 


35 ctype = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="dddatasets", model="dataset") 

36 return self.filter( 

37 action_object_content_type=ctype, action_object_object_id__in=datasets, 

38 ) 


40 @stream 

41 def access_requests_received(self, datasets): 

42 notification_content_type = ContentType.objects.get( 

43 app_label="ddcomments", model="notification" 

44 ) 

45 dataset_content_type = ContentType.objects.get( 

46 app_label="dddatasets", model="dataset" 

47 ) 


49 return self.filter( 

50 action_object_content_type=notification_content_type.id, 

51 target_content_type=dataset_content_type.id, 

52 target_object_id__in=datasets, 

53 ) 


55 def everything(self, *args, **kwargs): 

56 """ 

57 Return all actions (public=True and False) 

58 """ 

59 return self.filter(*args, **kwargs) 


61 @stream 

62 def any_everything(self, obj, **kwargs): 

63 """ 

64 Stream of most recent actions where obj is the actor OR target OR action_object. 

65 Includes also Actions which are not public 

66 """ 

67 check(obj) 

68 ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) 

69 return self.everything( 

70 Q(actor_content_type=ctype, actor_object_id=obj.pk,) 

71 | Q(target_content_type=ctype, target_object_id=obj.pk,) 

72 | Q(action_object_content_type=ctype, action_object_object_id=obj.pk,), 

73 **kwargs, 

74 )